The sweater I decided I should knit for myself is going to take forever and many reruns of "Law and Order" to finish, so I thought I'd add a few visuals of the Unknitters Association that inhabit our lives (and delightfully so!).
Dinah, the reigning Dowager tabby is 16 in March. She effectively raised our three children to respectable adulthood and declines to raise the grandchildren. Job well done, Dinah!
Embers of the tender heart and vacuous mind gently urges the grandchildren to new mischief at every opportunity. She's 6 and uses decoys of black fuzzballs she creates here and there to evade the results of her complicity.
Corky..is Corky. Half chihuahua, half schnauzer, he's the constant companion of the two year old grandson and a chewer of many knitting needles and...well..his list of sins is long. He still refuses to confess as to the whereabouts of the missing drop spindle.