I really, really, really haven't abandoned my blog! I did get a new camera for Christmas, lots of knitting got done and the backlog of missed blogging has overwhelmed me! Not to leave out...see the nice wedding picture of son and daughter-in-law not so long ago? Now eighth grandchild is ... is...going to be! It's semi-unofficial, until the Doctor does the official announcement, but all the little test kits say yes....(and I had a feeling about it all, so that makes it almost totally official.)
Knitting will proceed at maniacal pace for next 7 or so months, and now I'm wondering if M's new passion for knitting contributed in any way to the zen state of mind that encourages fertility. At any rate, it's thrilling news and we get to make dozens of tiny things for a tiny, new person that doesn't object to all the fluffy stuff! At our house it's not unusual to hear a knitter call out "one of you kids bring me your head for a minute!" so we can adjust or gloat over the fitting of a sweater neck we're working on. Tots have such proportional curiosities such as large heads and little necks/shoulders, it's nice to have one handy to double check these things as we knit.
Can you believe it? I just put all that in one paragraph, completely defying all sense of grammar.
I promise more pics for blog tho, as soon as I get a "stick" for my computer. The new camera can hold zillions of pics and I shudder at the idea of plastering my puter with them all while I sort it all out!