I admit it...I have been in a daze of spinning, knitting and yarnish plotting. It's Spring and I'm recovering nicely from the Winter's cozy dreams. We put the herb garden goodies up..or out..or whichever it is. It's sort of raised bed style and I'll have room to stuff quite a lot of kitchen love in it. I have no idea why my Dear One insists on containing the herbs, left to my own methods, the herbs would be wildly expanding and exuberantly elbowing each other for the choicest spaces.
Well, maybe that's why he keeps confining it.
That aside, I want to make something worthy of entering in the Fall fair. That means presenting something to show by July. The problem I have is that I can't decide just what I want to make, but I'm pretty sure I'll know...by August when it's too late to enter. There's probably some psychological deep meaning to this conundrum.
My solution is just to knit and if I happen to create something I want to enter in the Fair, I guess I'll do that. I'm stumped for my next project tho. I want to do a man's vest in the lovely grey yarn in my stash...but there's only 3 skeins of it and I can't match it. I have a little of everything and not nearly enough of anything. I would spin something nice, but I want to make the vest washable and not pure wool this time.
I must think about this.