Still no batteries handy, Bea, but I did find that elusive power cord..and added a few pics!
The kids hats I made this weekend, the comfy shawl Theri is kindly wearing for a picture (it's plain, but sooooo soft and nice!), and Leo diligently holding down a crocheted blanket. That shawl was made a month or so ago, I just happened to like it a lot.
Leo is the starveling kitten that turned up on our roof last Easter. I'm very glad he did.
Ok ... so Yes - I'm a whiner. I have tried for about 15 minutes to download the pictures - whine whine - and I HAVE Road Runner!!! I'm just not seeing them!!! :o(
*Going to go over here and Pout now* :o)
THERE it is!!! :o) I LOVE the shawl! What yarn did you use? I'm looking for something soft AND warm to wear while I sit in the swing on the North side of the house this fall!
the Hats are adorable of course.
As is that SWEET KITTY KITTY!!!!
And the afghan ain't half bad either :o)
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