Friday, January 26, 2007

Breakfast Ready?

Odds and Ends 015
Originally uploaded by Owlheart.
Even Allen is finding the pups hard to resist! (I have my eye on a couple, and might keep one...but which one??) Peeker, Booboo, Freckles, Tannie, Cotton, Fiddle, (Fiddle was so named after he managed to get on top of a chicken coop where he yodeled gleefully at the others, but "Fiddler" didn't exactly fit him) Spinner and the irrepressable "Gnash" Rambler.

And not one of the little darlings has made a poo on my back deck! I knew they were brilliant little creatures :D

Meantime...still knitting along on that family blanket, altho there seems less time for me to knit lately...

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