Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by Svarrer.
It's raining again! That's a perfect excuse to make butterfly cupcakes!
The kids love them and they are all homemade and less sugary than the usual and oooooh, so good!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


That enormous green heap is a Sweet 100 tomato plant. So far it's over 6 feet tall and loaded. I haven't fed it anything, but I did throw a few handfuls of oyster shells in the garden to add a bit of calcium since we've had so much rain lately. It's the same oyster shell stuff I put out for our hens, I couldn't remember what prevents bloom end rot from wet weather. (No, the hens are normal sized..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So on my daily ramble (it can hardly be called a walk, because I stop for ladybugs and grasshoppers) I met one of the "Ladies" that visit often.  "Visit" might not be the right word, I've been startled several times in my knitting corner by the window at night when I looked out to see faces up against the window watching tv avidly.  I would never have guessed deer might have a tv fixation, but they do, at least around here.  They are also the reason our garden is crammed into a fenced back yard instead of gloriously flourishing on the rest of the 20 acres.
I think what annoys me about them is that they don't even consider me enough of a threat to flag their tails in concern.  They merely gaze at me for a moment and return to munching the field.  That would be the field we're trying to build up a bit by planting red clover and fallowing it.  Red clover..that scrumptious stuff we had before the Ladies decided it was their personal buffet.  You may notice there is no sign of clover in the field now...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Grapevines are laden

I see grape jam in our future! The vegetables and fruits are filling up with sunshine and sweetness and one of the things I love is looking at the sun glowing through neat rows of jelly cooling in my kitchen window!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gardening Progress

We put the little garden in an unused nook near the back deck in order to actually have a garden.  We have a definite conflict of interest with the deer population.  This year we bowed out of our battles with them and they must find another garden somewhere else to fatten on!


Originally uploaded by Svarrer.
Doesn't that look like blueberry muffins to you? Hot and buttery morning love!
Actually, the birds think so too, but we share. They don't share much, they want them all. We'll let them enjoy one bush, we get the other three. The birds will undoubtedly win the mulberries as well, but I have another mulberry in the yard and in a couple of years.....and I will have grapes.
I totally love Summer, everything is bountiful and growing. Squash, zucchini, tomatoes, rhubarb..a little of everything. Our first beans will be in the cookpot tonight.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


You've probably heard a lot about World of Warcraft and wondered why otherwise sane and normal people spend time playing a game.  I admit..I play too.  It's those moments of pure laughter that takes us outside of daily stuff.  Here's a small sample...

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Spring again!

Okay, time to make it back to the blog that's been neglected forever!  Things have been going on, just not posted, so rather than play catch-up, we'll just pick up from here.

Just finished another small sweater for a small one, it was super simple fun to do kind of thing.  I do like mindless, since it's my normal state of being.

Bernat Baby Jaquards is always fun, less than 2 skeins, but since I was working out a somewhat color scheme, I pulled from 2 skeins.

I decided not to battle the deer this year, and surrendered to a postage stamp sized garden.  The deer are all wallowing merrily in the clover where our bigger garden would have been...the fat things!
We recently fenced in a backyard area in chain link..(how I've learned to love it!!) and it keeps tots in and away from bigger kids on swings and trampoline.  Keeps Sebastian and Cookie in too, more or less..with Cookie it's considerably less, but she doesn't wander.  She just squiggles under the gate and tags along anywhere we go.
Anyways..the garden..yes..well, there's always a corner of yard that's not used and that's where I parked the garden this year.  It's interesting..having to avoid hitting the electric and propane lines going into the house.  It'll do tho, and keeps me happy.  I even have an itty bitty gas powered cultivator, however I keep sinking it deep into the loamy soil and getting stuck.  That's a good thing.  Deep soft, rich soil.  Ten bags worth of garden soil tilled into it.  Sebastian likes it very much....Cookie swears her teddybear put him up to it...