Monday, May 01, 2006

Am I moving?

I'm considering it seriously, altho I've gotten rather comfortable here and learned a little html the hard way.
I imported here to
and could really use your opinions. Go see, tell me what you think..Wordpress does have's easier to add links, doesn't take me 2 hours to figure out how to talk to the template code to make a thingie or decorate. On the other hand, personal decorating is limited in Wordpress, but they'll probably figure out toys for that soon.

Let me know!

Oh..and I did find my beloved old spindle! Corky finally gave it back with only a little slobber on it, so I'm very happy again.

Anna is here!

Lovely Anna Elisabeth made her appearance..the day after Easter! 7lbs, 8oz. of noise and dimples! Pictures forthcoming (it's that silly camera problem again..)as soon as I can, meantime all are well, even if my post is so long overdue. She's going to be brown-eyed like her mom and has beautiful brown hair. First baby in a couple generations that didn't arrive looking like Winston Churchill on a bad day.

My favorite fat old hen proudly hatched 5 chicks on the same day, it's in the air..!!!
So we celebrated with a family cookout and discovered the yummy fragrance on the wind enticed a ragged starving stray kitten to our roof. He's a sweet little buttercream tomcat and is quite fat and sassy since moving in with us.

Obviously..Spring has sprung!